Friday, March 14, 2025

The territory


Located between the hills of the Roero, land of "Rocche", vineyards and castles, the city of Bra is a crossroads of history, culture and gastronomic excellence.

The town is famous in Italy and throughout the world for being the birthplace of Slow Food movement, for its excellent sausage, for its international events.

Passeggiando per le sue strade e scoprendo le sue piazze, non passeranno inosservate la facciata tondeggiante del Palazzo Comunale, la chiesa di Santa Chiara, capolavoro dell’architetto regio Bernardo Antonio Vittone, la chiesa della Trinità, anche conosciuta come i “Battuti Bianchi”. E poi, i musei di Storia naturale, di Arte e Archeologia e la centrale via Cavour, luogo di ritrovo, di caffé e di locali storici, dove era solito passare le sue giornate anche lo scrittore Giovanni Arpino. Senza dimenticare la Zizzola, edificio simbolo della città che, dall’alto del colle Monteguglielmo.

Note far from Bra you can visit Pollenzo, with its square and the complex architectural of buildings that recall the ancient splendour of one of the private residences of the Savoy family. These ancient locations, now accommodate the University of Gastronomic Sciences and its students from all over the world. The distinctive tower that stands on the square hosts an original wine Bank.

Bra is also a land of good food and fine wines, with excellences also known and appreciated beyond national borders. Who has never heard about the famous sausage made in Bra? A veal sausage served raw and authorized directly by the “House of Savoy”. And what about Bra cheese? A speciality carrying the name of the town –“Bra Dop”, soft and hard, a treat for the palate and the senses, celebrated along with cheeses from around the world in the international fair “Cheese! Le forme del latte". And also fresh products of gardens, the bread and the so called “Mac'd Bra” a “local and slow” sandwich, which encompasses all the flavours of the territory (bread, salad, sausage, cheese) in a single bite.

A city on a human scale, which in recent years is becoming more and more a popular tourist destination, thanks also the events that live up this little gem of Piedmont: from “Fiera di Pasqua” (Easter fair) to the “Salone del Libro per Ragazzi” (a fair entirely dedicated to books for children), “Corto in Bra” (a review of  short movies) “Cheese”, “Folkestate” (a music festival) and “Da Cortile a Cortile” (a path through all the marvellous and hidden backyards of the town).


Bed & Breakfast Viot d'l Forn
Via Santa Croce, 13 - 12042 Bra (CN) Italy
Tel. +39 335 6297247
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Viot D'l Forn

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